Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mass of the Holy Spirit

Archbishop of St. Louis who is suprisingly funny.

Father Biondi - President of SLU
Last Thursday, Saint Louis University celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit.  It's an annual tradition dating back to the founding of the first Jesuit school in Messina, Sicily in 1548.
Now, most Catholic schools, and especially Jesuit ones, celebrate the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of each school year.  It's used as a time to ask the Holy Spirit to bless the University's teaching, learning, and service for the upcoming school year.  This year, it was extra special because SLU welcomed the Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, the new Archbishop of St. Louis presided over the mass.
One thing is for sure, no one does pageantry better than the Catholics.  It was absolutely gorgeous.  And you can see from the pictures of the church, it was a packed house!  My favorite was the processional in with all of the academic deans in their garb proceeded down the aisle by the flag of their college.  They were followed by the Vice-Provosts and the Vice-Presidents of the University who walked in under the flags of SLU along with the Jesuits.  It was neat seeing our two office Jesuits walk in the processional!
After it was over, I got to shake the hand of the Archbishop on my way out.  Even though I am not Catholic, you can certainly respect the man's place in the church!

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