Friday, October 22, 2010

Painting Class - Where I Learn That I Still Have Zero Artistic Talent

You know all of that artistic ability that my Mom and my Aunt have?  It skipped a generation because I have zero.

Recently, Groupon ran a deal for a painting class.  Bring your own alcohol, we supply the rest type of a place.  So, I bought two of them and Tony and I scheduled a time to attend the class.  I was expecting it to be like all of the others that I've seen advertised in South Louisiana where everyone paints the same picture.  This one is a little different.  They pick a theme and put up 50 or so inspiration photos and you paint whatever you want within that theme.  I was just expecting to pick out paint colors!

The beginning of my masterpiece.

The beginning of Tony's masterpiece.  He didn't use one of the inspiration photos.  Instead, he borrowed my phone and pulled up a picture of Jackson Square.

See what I meant about my lack of artistic ability?  I just don't understand how paints mixed together or how to make different strokes with the brushes.  Also, I'm more of a color within the lines type of person.  The whole mixing of colors thing is too out of the box for me!

Tony's completed masterpiece. 

He made fun of mine, so I told him that his horses looked like dogs.  Tony also knows me well.  He brought glitter to add to our skies to make "stars."  Everyone in the class including the instructors loved the inclusion of glitter!

My completed masterpiece.  I'd like to take full credit, but I simply can't.  Mine was awful.  Seriously, by far the worst in the class.  Sarah the Instructor took pity on me and "helped" me fix it.  So, the only reason why this is even halfway decent is because of her assistance.  Thank you!

We took pictures of some of the others in our class, but I won't post them out of embarrassment.  Seriously, there were some super talented people in our class. 

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